Build My New Lead Magnet In Simplero

Get It Done Here

You've got a new freebie ready to grow your email list, and we've got the skills to get it ready for sign up.

No hassle.

No time wasted.

No banging your head off the desk trying to make it happen the way you want it to.

We're here because we're Simplero experts. You're here because you know it makes sense to spend your time doing your thing.

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"I am always so thrilled when Kristina finds solutions to everything I need to help me move forward! Her knowledge of Simplero is amazing!" - Susie Gessey, Spiritual Healer, Teacher & Mentor

Get your next lead magnet flying on your Simplero account in a matter of days, ready to start collecting email addresses from your new biggest fans.

You Provide:

  • The lead magnet file (video/audio/PDF…)

  • The delivery email copy

  • Copy for up to three follow-up emails following up and offering a paid-for product

  • Your branding brief

We Provide

  • An easy to follow worksheet asking for all the information we need - prompting you as you go to make sure you've got everything ready for us to start building.
  • 20 minute call within 3 working days of receipt of your worksheet to finalise the sharing of information and set a date for completion.

  • The technical know-how, fitting all the pieces together seamlessly so your new customer's first journey with you is memorable for all the right reasons

  • The completed process - fully ready to start accepting sign ups.

  • Peace of mind:  put your feet up, take an afternoon nap, hit the gym, take off on an adventure,  dance on the beach... do anything except spend hours figuring out the best way to build your new lead magnet automations. (Disclaimer: We're big fans of dancing on the beach and afternoon naps, but we think spending time telling your crowd about your new lead magnet coming soon could also be a great way to spend your newly acquired time!)

We know what it's like when you've got a new idea but tech provides the barrier to keep you from bringing it to life. We know, because this is what we do best. We were born for this stuff.

We've created these mini-packages to make sure affordable support is accessible to everyone.

Why waste time setting up the tech, that you could better spend promoting it to your audience, telling everyone about your value-packed new freebie?

The more eyes you get on it, the more people you get on your list, and the more people you get to provide your excellent service or product with.

We take care of the background set up, you focus on creating your scroll-stopping magic.


"Kristina has been absolutely brilliant to work with over the past year as I have set up my new business. She is so knowledgeable of Simplero and setting up memberships and does everything 10x faster than I could!"- Bronwyn Smith, Connected Child.

Not sure if this is the right Mini Package for you?

Drop us a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible with the anwsers!

Thanks so much for your message. It's winging it's way to me now and myself or a lovely member of our team will get back you as quickly as possible!

“She knows this brilliant and powerful system inside out, so that, though I understand the principles of how everything is set up, it’s Kristina who is so brilliant at setting up the detail and at great speed too". - John C. Parkin, Best Selling Author and Relaxation Expert